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Rockmelon chia breakfast bowl

Writer: NavaNava

Rockmelon chia bowl

Why don’t people like Rock melon? It’s such a delicious fruit, it’s sweet yet low in sugar and low in calories too. I remember being at a dinner party and the topic turned to fruit salad and people were naming fruits that they loved to put into a fruit salad. Everyone mentioned just about all the fruits except for Rockmelon at which point I said, ‘What about Rockmelon?’

The room went silent. People were clearly aghast and you could hear the forks and knifes hit the plates. One of the guests turned to me and said: ‘Did you say rock melon?’

To which I replied, ‘Yeah, I said rock melon.’

Eww, that’s a filler.’

‘What do you mean, a filler?’

‘You know, when you want to fill up a fruit salad.’

‘Well, I actually like it.”

From the look of horror on everyone’s face, I could see they were in agreement with each other. Rock melon was a filler at best, the kind of fruit you eat around. I was the odd woman out (I am used to that). I hate to share this, but even the children at my day care who will eat EVERYTHING, REFUSE to eat Rockmelon.

Every one treats poor Rock melon like the poor cousin, the white trailer trash, the black sheep of the melon family and that bothered me. I’m the champion of the no melon left behind movement! So I knew what I had to do as soon as Rock melon was in season.

I love this breakfast bowl It’s summery and fresh and nutritious (fruititious in fact) and without a doubt a delicious delight and to top it off I don’t have to clean up the bowl.

Rockmelon chia bowl

Fruit ingredients

1 rockmelon

kiwi fruit

passion fruit


Chia yoghurt


1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons chia seeds

½ cup boiling hot water

Honey or maple syrup or any other sweetener of your choice, quantity according to taste.

2-3 teaspoons vanilla essence (I used 3)

1 ½ cups yoghurt of your choice. I used Greek yoghurt

1 ½ cups milk of your choice, I used almond milk

1-2 tablespoons of desiccated or shredded or roasted coconut, I used shredded


For chia yoghurt

In a heat-proof bowl, mix the chia seeds with the hot water. Leave it to rest for about 5 minutes before stirring in the honey or preferred sweetener. Stir in the vanilla extract and milk of choice.

In a separate bowl mix the coconut and yoghurt and add to chia mixture, mix thoroughly to combine.

Transfer to a container or a large jar and seal.

Keep in the fridge up to 5 days.

Method for fruit

Cut rock melon in half, scoop out and discard the seeds. Using a fruit scooper I scooped out balls of rock melon flesh, leaving the rim intact. I scooped balls of kiwi fruit as well. I chopped up a few strawberries and placed a combination of the fruits at the bottom of the rockmelons. I added the chia yoghurt on top and had the most delicious breakfast.

Bon appetite folks.


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